Monday, October 11, 2010

I Love you...

I love you…

And I will miss you,

I will miss your dark beautiful skin, smooth as the desert sand duns, sweet, and shiny, as glass, tempting me to touch

Your long stilted legs holding you high above anyone you stand next too, even though you think your above everyone, but your not.

I laughed with you.

I love you…

I love the way you walk so high and proud with both arms cocked back to wave from side to side behind yourself, most people did not know this walk, but I knew it.

I personally called it the George Jefferson walk…I mimicked it...I adopt it….


I love the way your character is so smooth, ridding each wave without a crash, but so outrageous, as a peaceful morning then a raging storm, tearing and ripping everything in your path…Your so obnoxious….


Many foreigners know your dismay and have seen your destruction and disliked you, some even hate you, they talked about you at lunch time, But I hated them for it, they would tell me jokes about you for I to laugh, but I would not…


They do not know the light of your beauty, your glow, your immense pride, your never-ending strength, always for a fight…

I have become of you, I like to be like you, I see myself hairless, dark and beautiful, like you,

Can I be like you…?

 Your different and special in every way, so far from weakness and yet so close to wickedness, I cry for you to change…

But I love you…


I love the long stroke of your neck, turning in each beam of light is a master piece of art, pure gifts to my eyes, so wiry and tall as giraffe, stronger than a ox, able to carry any amount of cargo for miles of travel….

Anything you have to do to take care of your children, anything to survive…


You woe me, make me feel easy and calm as the breeze, chilled free and laid back, your danger excites me and keeps me alive, as if dancing with a black mamba, you may lose your temper and strike me at anytime and I lay there and dye in your arms my lovely…

But God protects me…


My sweet dark chocolate, so sweet, so bitter, I do not like dark chocolate, but you like me, you entice me to your nature, your dance, your drum, I grow closer to you in each field of the day, beats of your songs call me…


I run to your dancing and join you like a fitted piece to your puzzle, I jump to your beat, our thighs ach, our sweat drips down our bodies and bounces off my chest and your back, as we jump to our backward motion, my shoulders bounce back into the air with my hand at my side, you in front of me bouncing your back, bending it to a Bo, popping it to such a rhythm we both ride with such grace, cupping your hands to your breast as we dance, both of our bodies so tired, but we don’t stop…the drum persist, we persist, dancing into the moon light…all night long…

  engulfing myself into your soul with each bounce to my feet,

Your feet…

Your feet can describe your character that lays in you, beat up and dirty, old looking at the age of young, but strong, thick, and durable, ready to take on any terrain, better then any, sandals, shoes, or boots, pace to pace they go, slam to the ground and pounds the dirt and separates the dust as the red sea, as you sit they tilt up and the ball of your feet stay rested on the ground shaping them into the way of a rabbits feet.…

 Your teeth…

As white as the moon, bright as the dry season sun,

Your eyes…

As a shine to marbles, shaped perfectly into your face, they sink in and reach out for my eyes to gape…

Your shaved head…

Bald and shiny as the globe,

dented and scared as your soul….


I love you…

I love your long extended arms, filled with pulsating veins spread out and parting as the Nile… You intake me, you give me many things to think about, you have changed me, you have tried to kill me on many occasions, you made me stronger, not to fear you, bolder, wiser, you let me experience you and explore your body,

I have swam in your rivers, drove through your mountains, laid in your fields, breathed your breath….

O you are such a foolish girl….so lost…so blind….

Pray God adopts you for I feel your end too near, or hurt cry,

But now you smile, and I the same,

I love you….

I love you Sue…

I love you Monyjang….


And I will miss you.


My Last Days...

My last days…

Well my last days was spent lying on the bed in aching pain of my bones with an added touch of abdominal pain followed by diarrhea which lead to a long agonizing walk to the cho.  Mundane goodbyes, but blessed with the final good by of my best friend, more then a brother, Peter Malual Marier. I got to say goodbye to him as he journeyed off to the cattle camp again to continue a ministry that was once a dream. It was beautiful to see him ride off into the bush with his tent, cot, mats, and water on the back of his bike. A hard lump filled my throat as he went and my heart was content, I turn to sit in my seat and laid back and held on as my stomach gave pain to the shake of the car as my last days in Akot…went a way from me...


A Mundane cattle camp trip.


Hey yeah we had a great time saying goodbye to the cattle camp. But it was pretty mundane for me, which is OK, I wanted the focus to be on God. We have seen growth in Peter and in the ministry.

When we got there we found that we brought the tent that has a broken zipper on the door so it could not close! So as we were going back fourth on what to do about it, to go back or where to sleep, the young cattle keeper men came and sat down in front and said we want to hear stories now! That is a complete growth in the ministry in my sight because before we would always have to gather them and look for them, but now a good same group of boys come to us!


Also as I said before we were discussing what to do about the tent Peter stands up and says, “Ok well the people are here to for storing so you all can discuss and I will start teaching because they are ready!”

That is a huge growth as well cause Peter was not doing that before, he would always ask us what to do and sit around, almost intimated by the cattle keeper. By now he is the confident one ready to teach, he gathers the young men together, and tells people to shut up when he is teaching, he is really growing!


But there is much growth still that Justin will have to disciple him in like different stories, we find him using the same stories over and over, and also teaching. He needs to teach them the gospel and what it is about, not just stories, and Justin knows this and will help him.

 So other than sleeping in the car it was pretty mundane trip for me in cattle camp, I guess I was just use to the atmosphere.

I could have got a couple of wives to take home, but I don’t think there free, well at lest not free from cows…and I aint got any!


Please continue to pray for Peter and his growth and cattle camp ministry, that it continues.

Pray for Justin as he will be helping Peter through this, and Justin will also be the lead coordinator for all the teams coming into South Sudan!  

Friday, September 17, 2010

Peter Malual


Peter Malual , my collaborator, my brother, my ally, my partner, and my best friend. I remember it like yesterday my first week in Southern Sudan I arrived in Akot on the compound. I was so green. A team from a America was building the center and Jamie introduced me to him and said “Jermaine does not have a Dinka name yet.” Malual said “OK”

 and looked at Jamie and then looked at me and said “OK your Dinka name will be Mabor.” I did not know then how much God would use him in my life here in Sudan. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to see Malual grow in God and to become a true teacher and missionary for Christ.


It was the best day and a joy of my life that out of all the students in the TRT class he was one of the two to first take the step to going out on their bikes to teach God’s Word to their own people, without our presence and vehicles. Then to travel with this man all through Akot and surrounding areas to gain disciples for Christ. We lived together, ate together, laughed together, and even fought through the 

dangers together.


Now this young man has stepped up to the plate to be the missionary to the cattle camp, a group of people that I label un-reached. He has accepted the mission when nobody would. I was recently prevented to go with him on any more missions to cattle camp despite my disagreement to leave him on his own he was left. I was in a time to disciple further in the missions in a cattle camp, not to say I knew more then him in cattle camp, but we found that he was lacking in some areas when it camp to doing the mission work and discipleship, as cattle camp can be intimidating. I wanted more time with him as my last work to God but it was cut short. I was proven to be wrong as to put boundaries on the Holy Spirit for he was proven faithful and the Lord guided him to a successful mission to the cattle camp!


Without out transportation but on a single bicycle with a tent, sleeping material, and a bag full of ground nuts. He went without complaint but eager to serve God in whatever he has to do.

 I told him this is the time you will see how much you really want to give your self to God and serve Him no matter what. To get the word to the cattle keeper at all cost. We agreed and the blessings arose.


He left on a Friday and came back Sunday after he had church there, as that was our original schedule in cattle camp. The report he gave was a true blessing from God!


Malual reported that he taught the word of God two times a day to different young men! This is a huge rejoice to us because there in cattle camp, it can be hard to get the young men to come and hear the word. But with someone of their land and local language they listen and want to hear! Malual said he would walk through the camp and a group of young men would say, “May you come and teach us?” Then Malual would begin! I asked him about discipleship as well and he quickly answered with excitement to tell us that a young man name Michael heard the word of God and the stories Malual told and Michael grab the picture book that Malual decided to use to help them understand better, and Michael began to tell the stories to the other cattle keepers! The Word of God! We have been going there for more than two months telling the word of God and trying to get them to understand, but no one would retell a story. But Malual”s first journey there alone, the Lord uses him to get several cattle keepers to know God’s word and retell the stories to keep them in their heart. Malual was very happy as we all are. Thank you my God I am overwhelmed to see you move.

Thank you my Father!

Please continue to pray for Peter Malual , that he continues to go out and reach the cattle keepers with the word of God with discipleship.

Also Mapol as well, he has been gone from the cattle camp each time we went, so pray that Mapol and Peters paths may meet and continue the discipleship to Christ.

To give him strength and to continue, as the journey there is very long for bicycle, and malual and the church’s eyes may be open to how they can support this ministry.

The Lord will continue to use him to reach the Cattle keepers .

To keep him safe from danger or sickness, as life in cattle camp can be hard.

Thank you for your prayers

Jermaine Mabor Majok  

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I think we got one tugging!

Well after much fishing for over two months and coming up with missing bait and no fish I think we finally have one tugging at our line.

This last week we took are good teacher and friend Joseph Mabor with us to Cattle camp. There has been one cattle keeper who was very serious about our teaching of God’s word and always came to our teaching, his name is Mapol. I told Peter and Joseph to setup a separate time with him to disciple him and teach him the word one on one. So when we got there immediately Joseph starts to disciple and teach Mapol one on one (Mapol on the left and Joseph on the right) . They even went into the night hours as Joseph continued teaching him.

It was a great blessing to see it, I really felt ready to go home I feel complete a lot of the time out here, and we also got to do our open wide teachings to all who wanted hear at the cattle camp, despite having to leave are area of teaching because some cattle keepers wanted to play drums and dance. But that’s Ok God’s word got out anyway.

Please pray for Mapol as he deices to make one the greatest decisions in his life, that his ears and eyes be open the teachings and he takes them in to become a follower of Christ!

Pray for Joseph that he may have time to come to the cattle camp with us again, as he is the headmaster if the Baptist school and is very busy.

Please pray for Peter as he is taking on a new mission to the cattle camp. That he gains a level of maturity to bring God’s word to the camp and keeps the passion to serve God in the cattle camp. That he does not get sluggish, Justin and I find Peter intimidated at the cattle camp sometimes, so God shows him the way to take on this mission soon on his own, as I will be leaving soon.

Justin and myself as we continue to disciple Peter in how to be a servant of God to the cattle camps on his own.

Thank you for your prayers




Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Lord Prevails II

The next week we went to cattle camp another problem accrued! But I am not even going to get into that. So when we got there we set up and once again we had only two days. But it started raining and we could not do anything. So that day went away. Sunday came and we had a great church service! Justin spoke on Ezekiel and the vision of the dry bones. They really responded well. They said “we are like the dried bones, we have no one controlling us, but even the fish are better, the fish have water to control them but we are dry”. A lot of them that day said they want to follow Jesus and do right by God. That is great but I means nothing if they don’t do it! So I had Malual get with the main guy who always response to God’s word well, his name is Mapul. Mapul and Justin have a good relationship. I told them that Malual will start training to disciple anyone who wants it. I asked Mapul would he want to do that he said I am ready including another young man. I told them that “Yeah well the last people who came and said their ready to get training we don’t even see them!” I explain to them that the work of God is a sacrifice and there will always be something to stop them from coming. They agreed and said they would come.


Pray for these young men, Mapul and the others who want learn more of God’s word.

 Let all distractions be put down so they can come see us when we are there.

Pray that these are the right men God chose and they are not in this for selfish reasons.

Pray for me as I sit down with Peter Malual to form a type of training for them to learn more about God’s word so that Peter can begin his discipleship with them through Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.

Please pray for Peter Malual, as has just got a new job as a missionary to the cattle camps, at this time attending Bible school when he has never been in a school setting ever, and still taking care of his widowed mother and his crops.

God has really put a lot on him but just pray that he stay strong through all of this and allow God to continue to use him, providing him with wisdom to get through school and begin discipleships with in the cattle camps.

Thank you for your prayers!

His slave…


The Lord Prevails

It has been to the cattle camp twice now since the Nehemiah team left and has been nothing but a success. God is so great He always thrives around us. But trouble still comes are way and many struggles. Like the first week, we were ready to go back to cattle camp and on are way there just oust side of the town we would turn into the bush to get there the bolt and bushing to the shock of the truck completely fell off!

It did not break or crack off it just loosely fell off, then I here click clanck! I immediately stop.

So now we are left to have to go all the way to Rumbek were we know they will have the parts to fix it. Everything went well, and we got the car fixed and went straight to the cattle camp the next day. I was a little worried about teaching because we missed one day and now only had two days there. But God always prevails. When got there the young men flocked to are truck and it was not long before we got to teach God’s word, thank you Jesus!

 Peter Malual was on firer! We talked about purity and holiness and Malual spoke to them about Joseph fleeing from woman. Justin and I also got to teach that day. They really responded well and so well in fact they came back that night asking to here more of God’s word. As so as they asked Malual step right up with no hesitation! “OK I think I have this one.” Malual says. Seeing makes me so happy, love my best friend who is a strong man of God.

The next day we also got to have church and sang praise songs to God! Malual told them the story of Amman and Tamar. It was a good time, all praise to God!

Masochist for Christ

I lay at night in our tent within the cattle camp, as the wind is getting ready to take off our rain cover to our screen roof tent. The raindrops hit hard on the tent, the lighting flashes and the thunder cracks and pounds. I sleep in my clothes always but this time with my hoody and I pull it over my face. I pray. “Lord please don’t let our rain cover fly off.” Then I feel drops of water come down on my cover and my head I look up and the rain cover is still there, just some rain that is blown in, it is a hard storm.

I smile as Justin, Malual, and I all suffer in this thunderstorm, as none of us are asleep. I feel happy, I feel great, I feel closest to God at times like these. I think I have learned to love my suffering for God. Think about it, when all is wrong in your life but the reason is because you are serving the one true God who created this earth! I love it! Hurt me, burn me, cut me, soak me in this tent, all just to give glory to God even if that is just for one Church service to Him in the cattle camp, it was all worth it! I smile at the barrel of an Aka, I laugh that I get to praise God for the treats and strikes. There is masochism in my work for God to feel close, to feel right.

O crap now I have to pee! O well I will just hold it, I don’t feel like getting up and peeing in this rain.


O no….I feel a great fear come upon me as I lay there giving God praise for my suffering. Bang! An Aka fires, but that is not were my fear is coming from, it comes from with in me. I realize this journey this adventure in Sudan will end soon. Then I go back to America and do what!?

My whole enjoyment of suffering for God will be gone! I thrive on my sufferings for Christ each day out here, how will I do that at home!? There is no suffering for me in my sweet little American home! I have everything I need there! Here in Sudan I depend on God for every single thing in my life. I wake up and do the service to God and go at it until there is nothing more I can do, then done, I rest then I get up and do it all over again! That is the life! What more do I need? To only constantly depend on God for everything, and knowing your in the right place from your work and the suffering you go through. Where will I find this pleasure at home!?

When the truck breaks down in the middle of nowhere on the road who do I call, God! I pray that no one will rob me I pray that we get there safely and I suffer and am made weak for him, and it is the greatest feeling ever, I can’t even describe with words! But in the States who do I call, AAA! Hop on the cell and call a homie up!

Now I know you say o well that’s God helping you out in the States, but no! It’s at a different level I can’t explain nor can I go back to! I just cannot go back to that low sight of faith and dependency of God that I was! Ezekiel, I hate the person I was!

God told the Israelites over and over put you trust and strength in me, why, because trust and dependency is love, is relationship. In the New Testament we see that suffering for Christ is held as an honor! This is something to brag about! Now how will I continue this in the States!? I need to continue to serve Him so when I suffer it is nothing but great pleasure in my heart; I am a masochist for Christ! O lord and if I don’t continue to serve you back home or in the future like I do here I think I will go crazy! When things go wrong in the States how will I enjoy the suffering? It’s not for Christ, No! It is to pay a bill or look for a job, all things to serve my selfish self; I don’t want to do that! I don’t give a damn about my self! I need to serve God and Him only that is what we are supposed to do!  God is my pimp and I am his hoe, who relies on him for everything! I am like an soldier who kills in the war all day, then suddenly they just send me home, what now?!


 But I can just see my self falling right back in to doing nothing for God! O the thought of it makes me vomit!


 To feel this close to the Lord is so indescribable, but I do know it is like the sweetest drug that I cannot put down!


And now I go back home to what?! To people who will try to hold me to a high title because I have been out here for just two years, when really it is not an high title at all! It is the low title the lowest of the low! Who will be first will be last! I am His slave His nothing; this is just what I suppose to do anyway!

Then I go back to the woman I love and will marry but will she even know me? I think I will aggravate her more then anything with my obsession with suffering for Christ!

I can’t hold my pee anymore, I just wip it out and pee through the zipper of the tent outside.

I don’t know God, all I’m saying is please don’t for get your slave, your dog who eats from your servants crumbs. Lord I long to keep this feeling I have each day out here with you and now I am so scared that I might lose it. Please give me something Lord Please. I need to continue to serve you where ever I am in my life, that is all I ask, let me continue to be your slave….


Monday, August 9, 2010

We are like the Nineveh

I for got to share these testimonies.

When the Nehemiah was here in the cattle camp just before the camp moved to another site, something great happened in our teaching that God let us be apart of.

One day:

Justin first taught on the story of Jonah and here is where my testimony takes place. After he got done telling the story and explaining the message they said “ Yeah that story is a very good story. You see we cattle keepers are like the Nineveh. We are bad people too and you can ask even a Dinka man to come with you and they will refuse because they will say we are bad and no one wants to come teach us. But you all came today and stay here with us and we learn many things about God.”


Justin and I stood next to each other praising God! Then the rest of the team including Peter told the rest of their stories on forgiveness. Peter taught on the women caught in adultery. After all the lessons and stories were told the young men said “You see now that we have heard this, we now know God loves bad people like us. And now today have learn how to repent.”

Peter then explain more on this and talk with them more and more of God’s word.

But I myself was jumping for joy and giving God the praise for what just happen! They learned how to repent! God loves bad people! Man what a quote! I thought about it and God does love bad people! Praise God.


Please pray the cattle keepers and the Lords work He is doing out here! That they really take His word in and learn to love God and change their life and actions.

Pray for us as well that we are used by God and do nothing to keep us from that, we stay on the right track and make the right decisions.

Thank you, His slave.


Another Testimony:

Early in the morning there was no sun and very cloudy basically on the verge of rain. When it rains here there is no teaching or anything. All your plans are canceled if there is site of rain coming or rain has come. So that is what our morning for teaching looked like. But we all decided to keep going forward and see what God will do. So Justin, Peter, and I went around the cattle camp inviting all the people of cattle camp and the young men as well. Things look dim for our teaching and there was a lot of doubt but we kept going. We went to this large group of young guys sitting on their gor nhom (a mound of where the cattle keepers live, like their home). We ask them to come for teaching and they look up and it is obvious to see that rain is coming. They say “the rain is coming you know”. Then I say “yeah but if we just teach for maybe one hour before it comes, and if it starts to rain then we will stop”. They all stare at us like we are crazy for asking them and as if they are not going anywhere but staying by their dung fire. There is an awkward silence for a while and then suddenly one of them says “OK lets go.” I was like wow! OK lets go! Thank you God! Then they all got up and came to our tent and we started teaching right away. The rain clouds circled around us ready to pour out. I just kept praying O Lord just hold back this rain just until we get done teaching your Word. We had a large group of young men all around listening to the word of God. I was just on an high but I was still praying to God let us get this teaching done please. There was some drizzle but soon enough we finished all of our teachings we had that day as the clouds literally surrounded us and we taught under the one part of the sky that had no clouds. It was really kind of weird and in my mind I am quick to say it was divine.

I kid you not, that as soon as we stop teaching the rain did not come, we were able to go get water first driving on dry land through the bush instead of mud where we might have got stuck. And we did not have much water either and when it rains I don’t like to go get water but God worked it out! So as soon as we got back from getting water the skies poured!

Testimony! Thank you my God for taking care of us and letting us be apart of your great work!



Monday, August 2, 2010

Seeing the most beautiful thing in Dinka Land!

 I saw the most beautiful thing here in Dinka land.


It was a Sunday at the Widows church.

 I was kinda down because we had left cattle camp when they moved and we went and found where they are but they where all busy working and setting up there settlements in the camp. So there was no time for teaching. So the team said their good bys and we left to go back to Akot.

I was down because I know there are a lot of people still there in the camp who need the word of God, and I have seen to much death to just leave and sit around when I know they need it. I don’t like that feeling. We need to keep going.

But we could not get them to come and sit down for any of our teaching because eof the their work. So we talk to the leader and he said it is Ok to come back because we are very busy now. I was the only one not for leaving as I always am. But we left so the Nehemiah teams will have time to say good by to the people in Akot, as their time was coming to a end here in Dinka land.


So the next day, Sunday we went to the Widows Church. We had church and this is where I saw it. Something that I will never forget and will hold in my heart and memory forever.


After Peter told his story and message to the church at the end of the service a older man, a soldier stood up in the middle of the church and said “I have come to church today to confess my sins to God and repent what I have done. I was going to the witch doctor and keeping idols in my home and then I began to do bad things. I beat my wife and choked her if she had not bit me I might have killed her. I destroyed this ladies house (she was sitting in the church) and burned it lighting it on fire. I come today to turn away from these bad things and I wan to follow God only and I would like you to come with me to my house and burn my idols.”


I was astonished! Those words were music to my ears, sweet sounds of joy to my spirit, my heart flourished in praises to God.

Then the whole church walk to his house and he brought out his idols and we all and the church got a piece of grass or hay and burned the idol together!


We all sang praises to God as we watched the idol burn in the fire.

It was he most beautiful thing I have ever seen in Dinka land since I been here.

Praise God!

It reminded me that this part is finish for me. The Dinka have their church going by their own means and for me to stay would only handicap the ministry. As hard as it is to say I think I am ready to go now. Not to say everything is perfect but the walk with God I see everyday in these churches now.

My only need I look to is the cattle camps to the un-reached there but that is where Peter and the other local pastors can take over now, just with our small support.



Thank my God to let me see. It was so beautiful. I held back my tears of joy and I just praised Him. It was no other feeling I can describe; maybe heaven will feel like this. Thank you.

Pray for this man and his new walk with God.

Thank you.


When to laugh and not to laugh

We came back again to the same cattle camp teaching the Word of God. The Nehemiah teams are building great relationships everything is going well.

The leader of the camp is our friend and we hang out with him and others all the time. We even have dance parties with them! We really love them they are all our friends.

The three men who volunteered to be trained in the word of God, don’t come to our teachings and are always gone.

But like Mark said “That is up to the Holy Spirit to chose a leader out there”. So we just keep teaching the word of God.

I am trying to push Peter to disciple some of them himself but it takes time.

Peter is so great, we have him teach by himself in straight Dinka language and they all listen to him and quiet. When we teach their laughing and talking sometimes.

Its gotta be the locals! Peter is amazing and God is using us to make good progress with them. We trying to be the planters out here, So please pray for our continued ministry out here in the cattle camps.



I wake up to Ak shot… Bang! I don’t jump, neither am I scared, but I just lay their. I know right away it is just another cattle camp arriving and they love to announce it by the crying of an Ak-47. I lift up my head to see them through my tent, I see a huge Sudanese Flag and big bulls caring milk cans. A large amount of new cattle keepers are coming in are camp. “You see I told you” I tell others, as I tell them everything is cool so they don’t freak out and I lay my head back down to get some sleep.


Bang! Another shot…Bang! Another shot. Ak-47 is a song to my ears.


Peter says “O no, Fighting take place!”

I turn over to look at him and Peter is getting up and looking out into the distances. So I look where he is looking and I see a crowed of people and commotion I know well enough that, that means fighting.

I get up and hurry to put in my one and only contact in my eye that I have had for about two weeks know, yeah half blind man. I look out my tent again and yes I see fighting. Peter comes out of the tent and I follow him. I look and see about 70ft in front of me people are fighting! Ok but not like one or two people I’m seeing a hole crowd of people fighting! Yeah it’s like our cattle camp Vs this new cattle camp. People yelling and screaming, and for some reason I start laughing! Since I been over here when something bad happens I just laugh, I get it from the locals, I think it is a way we coup maybe. I see the fighting and I know this is real but I just laugh. The team does not even come out of the tent because they think I am joking from all my laughing.


But I finally convince them that this is real and all of the team come out of the tent and is watching the fighting erupt. Then the fighting moves from hand to hand to clubs and big sticks! The crowd of fighting people get clubs and other people pick of these huge sticks out of nowhere and they just start fight like crazy. It was like something off of a barbaric movie or Gladiator!


I hear yelling and screaming and the clipping of the clubs and sticks! I am laughing so much that the team doesn’t believe how serious this can get. Now mind you I’m still not scared or fearful for the team. But I think my laughing keeps the team calm in this situation because we are surrounded by Ak’s.  I know club and stick fighting happens all the time so I am just watching like wow! No biggie to me yet. So I am laughing! But we are all edge over the truck as we hide our bodies incase Ak-47 goes off which can happen at any time. Me and Justin Hendricks heads are picking out off of the tail of the truck and Justin Hendricks says “Holly crap their really mauling each other!” I laugh!


A kid we well know comes running in front of us screaming and crying. Then the crowd of fighting began to move toward the tent and us. Peter say lets move! I laugh and say ok!

We move but the fighting is all around us now! The men with guns kneel down kock their gun ready to firer if some one tries to strike them. It is pure ciaos! The fighting moves from our tent and into the field. We move back to our tent and the truck and the fighting then dies down. You see no biggie.

But the people still argue and soon move to the back of the camp where we can’t see. Then Bang!...

Ak goes off and people from the camp run our way! I see a little girl run with her hands covering her ears; her eyes are filled with fear! I think I saw this in slow motion. It’s funny what your mind remembers at times like these and they way it sets it.


I hear the shot and smile and say ok maybe we should go. You see this hole time I did not want to leave! Every time we come here with the word of God satan throws something at us or the camp to make us leave! I did not want to give in to his foul play! Everyone wanted to leave even Peter! He knows way better then I do. After the shot I knew it was time to leave.

But I hate leaving! First we can’t continue the work of God! Then we let satan get us, then we look like cowards! But we left once again. Satan is really after us out there, this the second time we have had to leave early. But God is more powerful because the Word is getting to the cattle camp regardless! So Satan keeps hitting us and God picks us back up each time over and over. Now I ask you who should be frustrated, I just rely on God but satan fails after hit after hit, as God just picks us back up. Now that is something to laugh about.


And we are going right back as soon as it calms down!


Hook up, to hook some one up. In urban terms or at least in Cleveland Hook up is a term you use when it is a need for you to talk to a girl and you ask your friend or maybe even your sister to talk to the person you like and set up a time you all can talk or a date so you both can get to know each other maybe become boyfriend and girlfriend. As we get older in the States we tend to frown upon the thought and terms of hook up. The women look down upon it and look at the men as if they are weak or too shy to talk to them for themselves. Therefore this causes the men to not even fathom the idea of hook up, but only left to talk bravely to them their selves or don’t talk at all. This why we States dwellers have talks of I’m kicking game, spitting game, and take pride in the thought that way are brave enough to talk to girls and they respond well to our character. This is all in the States.


But on Dinka planet I have come to find out the term hook up is widely use and practice here even as adults men and women. If a Dinka man likes a women and goes to talk to her straight, she will become very shy and not talk to him completely even running into the bush and hiding. So here on Dinka planet they use the hook up method to communicate even when it is established that the boy and girl are a couple. This leads me to my best friend Peter Maluwal.


One day: as we are in the cattle camps trying to plant seeds for Christ, on our free time as we are roaming around the camp Peter says to me “O what shall I do I need to talk to my girl but who will talk to her for me?” You see the hook up method is used in relationship not just to get to the relationship. On Dinka planet if you are truly a good friend of that person you are the one who is to talk to the girl for him. So I say “Ok Peter yeah I could try and talk to her.” This will be hard and awkward in Dinka terms because first, I don’t speak Dinka fluently so that means Peter will have to be there translating for us both, second at this time Peter is not suppose to be there so she won’t be shy and I can ask questions about him. But we are left work with what we have so I am the one. Mind you this is not my first time at playing the Dinka hook up method with Peter, so I have some experience.


It is night time and the team I are sitting around the tent just finishing our bowls of Raman. Peter says “Ok Mabor(me) will you come with me to visit Amat. I said sure and I also invited Justin Culp as well for reinforcements.

You see basically when it comes to playing hook up, you have to be a good time and entertainment of a conversation for the girls. Just like in the States except so much more is at stake here!


When I play the hook up man for my best friend Peter who I love and care about his future, I have Peter and Amat’s relationship in my hands, all depending on me rather they will get married or not. And marriage is very important for a Dinka man, and it is very hard! They can’t just fall in love and say lets get married like us State dwellers, no. They have to play the hook up game through the whole relationship and talk with the family to make sure they like him and then they have to save cows. This takes so long to get close to marriage, because a marriage on Dinka planet takes months.

So here I am, me and Justin talking for Peter. I really take this as a great honor! Peter told me “If I don’t get some one to talk to my girl then I don’t get married.” So I take this with great seriousness.


We sit down in the middle of cows and we are served milk. Then we wait. We wait for about an hour and half until Amat’s work is finally done, then her and her friends gather to talk to us. I had me and Justin make a list of what we could talk about so we won’t lose the interest. So we began and Peter translates are conversations and all is going well but then we reach the end are list fast! So then silence hits and Peter says “Ok keep going..” Ummm….ummmm Justin you have anything more to talk about man? Ummm… O Ok.

So Justin starts talking again and keeps the convo going. I think of more as he is talking. The girls laugh and it seems they are just happy to be talking to Kawagas. Which is a good thing for Peter I think.

 We talk late into the night and we all get tired and decide to end the night. As we walk back to our tent Justin and I are anxious to hear how we did on the Hook up game. We both ask

Peter how we did and to my surprise it was very nonchalant response from him, more of a “you did OK”. I really feel bad because I am Peters friend the one to do this hook up but I will always have the language blocking me. But Peter says “any talk is good now, it is OK, you know, No cultivate No crops.” What? I said. Peter replies “No cultivate No crops, if you don’t cultivate you get no crops, if you don’t talk you get no marriage.” That mad me feel better, any talk is good and I think they enjoyed themselves, but I think it is so funny, because I feel like I am back in elementary school again trying to hook up my friend with a girl. Funny!


We get back to the tents and we zip up to call it a night and Justin starts talking about how he was never good at that himself and can’t believe he is Africa now being used to do hook ups, and he can’t get a girl himself he says. Then he picks his head through our tent and says No cultivate, No crops! Me and Peter burst into laughter so loud! We laugh and laugh!

That’s the hook up in Dinka land, No cultivate, No crops!



Take your own advice

“YO boys! We hitten new ground now. This is a spiritual battle and satan does not want to see us succeed in the glory of God. Now I’m going to tell you now that there will be disappointments, I see some coming already. For example those three guys who volunteered themselves as to be trained in God’s word, probably won’t be here when we come back. That’s how is out here, people say they will be here and then one day just get up and move. But we are going to have to stand firm and keep doing the work of God giving glory to Him, keep bringing the word to them no matter what!” My words before we left the cattle camp the first time, I found out I need to listen to my own advice…


We all came back to the cattle camp with such vigor and motivation ready to teach the word or God to these unreached people, happy to see our friends, and wrestling some with our Dinka boys. The cattle camp greeted us with such reception running to the car meeting us with their big beautiful smiles. Plus we were all excited that we finally got my best friend and Pastor/ translator Peter Maluwal!

The main man of the day. Peter has been wanting to go with us to cattle camp since we started, he

 even road all the way out to us in cattle camp in one day just to help us! But his job at the Baptist training Center prevents him from doing so. How we got him to come is another story.


Anyway, The first we had such a crowd a round our tent we just taught God’s word right then. It went so well! They responded pretty good and we all where on a high from being back and teaching that day.


The next day:

I piss facing the camp as I brush my teeth, the others sit in a circle by our tents. I suddenly hear Peter say “OOo! Magic!” I turn to look and I see an old man walking around with a big stick and beating ground as he circles the cows. The calmness of actions from the witch doctor surprised me in the fact of if Peter had not told me I would not even have notice it. But the cow the witch doctor was blessing was our cattle camp leader. That really hit me down. I felt like all we have been doing here is a waste and their just using us to see what they can get out of these white Americans.

I mean we have been teaching on only serve and worship God, so many Bible stories teaching the exact sin this leader is doing now. I was not the only one who felt this way either, we all got pretty bumped after seeing that and we had to teach in a few hours.

I told you I needed to listen to my own advice. Justin Culp was the one who encouraged us all to not get down, “We can’t expect them just to turn right around just because we come in teaching some Bible stories, it will take some time.” In which was right and I agreed with him on.

So we push our selves up and laid out the word of God to them. It turns out that all the stories we taught that day had to do with worshiping and serving God only again! We elaborated on it big time and told them you cannot serve both, but only God. Justin said he saw the leader putting his head down maybe in guilt, I don’t know, but they where all given what God’s law on says on that, they know and now it is up to them to act. We finished out that week with consistent teaching of God’s word and their responds seem blissful.

Please pray the word reaches their ears and heart and that they understand it.

Please pray for us that we able to teach them clearly that they understand and except it.

Pray that they except God and His laws in their heart and put it in their actions to depend on God only.

Thank you!









Saturday, July 3, 2010

I had desire in my heart and that desire was taken from me

Naked kids play around burning dung hills, Men piss in my direction showing me the anatomy of a man, young women on their knees cleaning the cow dung around their mound with their bare hands, young men gathered under a tree playing dominos, Women slam their faces to the ground to scream out their pain from their lost one, small calf’s graze in the fields, dogs bark and grow to gather to fight in their own dispute of their laws as if demon possessed, a young cattle camp man struts by proud with his cattle camp dress that stops at his high thigh and a wind breaker jacket tied half way around his body just to cover his Ak on the side of his left shoulder.

Sites so familiar to my eyes here in cattle camp, sites that stop the eyes of us State dwellers, but my eyes just keep going and no warning is felt. But this day I saw a site that stopped my eyes, turned my head, and gave warning.

Second week at cattle camp:

Third Day: morning

I awake in the cattle camp to find out Zach’s spear has been stolen out of the truck that he bought just yesterday. I come out the tent and check the truck to make sure nothing else is stolen. I sigh and find that nothing else was stolen except the spear.

So I feel weird this morning, and I decide to sit in the back seatt of the truck to reminisce of the spectacular day God blessed us with yesterday!

Yesterday in our first training of God’s word we had all young men! This hardly happens in America let alone Sudan! We pored out the gospel to them as Shad rack translated.

The young men where into the training very seriously. I was praying and praising God the whole time through training. It was a sight to see all these young cattle camp men come to our tent by their own means, we did not even have to call them this time, just a butch of them came and sat down and said we are ready, teach us now!

LOL! It was all God! We did nothing!

The training ended with us all excited to meet the next day and even more for the team and I because we where going to give them a butch of Jesus stories and then show the Jesus film in their language the next night!

So back to me in the car, I am pretty pumped about today, but I feel weird I don’t know why maybe it’s the stealing, but that comes with the territory. I mean, I should know that by now!

Any way Justin Mayom comes and joins me in the back seat of the truck and we talk in very laid-back manner. Then even Shad rack joins us in the truck as he is in the front seat. We talk and joke together, and then soon Daniel Mapar even joins us in the truck as he seats in the drivers seat. We start to have a fly killing competition because there are so many flies in the car for some reason.

We all joke a laugh about things and then some cattle keepers join us at the truck windows. I look at the tall Dinka man lean over in the window to Shad rack as they talk, then suddenly a medium size, well built young Dinka man runs from a distances out of the cattle camp as if a solider from the movie 300.

He has an Ak in his right hand.

That right there is it. My eyes stopped, my head followed, and my warning went off. No fear but new site, a site that even the Dinka men could not ignore. The young man’s face was full of passion, or invisible tears maybe. I could see them but no tears only a need to feel his emptiness with something. The men standing by our vehicle yell in Dinka “Akunu! Weka! Weka! Weka!” Then they go running after him. Then more Dinka men come running out of the cattle camp behind him, some with Ak’s as well. We all step out of the truck, two Dinka men in the distances fight over a Ak, not for the gun, but as if trying to stop one from running, or trying to give some advice to one who wants to do something foolish.

The Dinka men crowd in together before the bush, then I hear wailing, but this is a different type of wailing, not a lost wailing or death, but a girl friends cry is how I heard it, it was a group of young girl crying. Then suddenly the crowd of Dinka men disappears into the bush with their Ak’s as if warriors charging ready to never return.

We are all left in silence wondering what just happen.

Shad rack talks to the leader and we find out an o so common story here in South Sudan. A solider killed a Cattle keeper. Now the cattle keeper must take revenge. We stayed and prayed with the cattle camp

that peace comes there, that they follow the ways of Christ and forgive,

No more killings come this cattle camp,

Their safety,

And that God’s glory and ministry is not put to stop by this

But His power is shown to them and that they may see Him as their God and live by His way and follow Christ.

Please pray for these things as we are trying to reach these people.

After we prayed we got news that that cattle keepers had already took revenge. We where told to pack up and leave before the military comes, and the camp was getting ready to move. So we did like cowards we had to leave.

Where they move? We don’t know, probably some where deep away from people.

Pray God shows us clearly what to do, cause right now I’m lost.

Pray for the cattle camp please, that they are safe and no harm comes to them.

Pray that we find then again to continue to teach God’s word.

Thank you.

P.S: Well it has been about three days since I wrote this and nothing big has happen to the cattle camp, all is normal and I here they did not even move. It’s almost like we have been thrown a fake punch and we all jumped back and duck to soon.

So Pray for us because we are going back this Monday to continue.

Thank you

Slave to Him, Jermaine

Drink up!

Rain hits my skin in the cold storm like needles. The lightning strikes and the wind blows against my way. I press forward but then you strike me in my gut. I fall to the mud as I curl up to the ground from the pain you just caused. I try to rise but you steal my rings, money, jewelry, and some entertainment. I don’t fight back for if He let you take those things I see now I even can take it further to see that they are worldly things I don’t need. I rise but you shatter my path and I fall into a deep dark pit of your creativity. I look up and see you unzip your pans and piss on my head. I lie back down in a pool of your piss and realize that you really don’t like me, in fact I think you hate me.

After five days at cattle camp we left there on cloud nine singing praises to God! For they seek God and wanted His presences with in their cattle camp. We had to make are we back to Rumbek for more supplies, which I dreaded because as you know from my earlier blogs satan loves to attack me there. Which in this case I was right.

Rumbek was supposed to be a day trip and then head back to Akot to get ready to go back to cattle camp. Not long in Rumbek before I was struck, I came to find all my belongings; basically my whole life was stolen from me…LOL!

You see I live in my backpack. I have been living this way for a long time now, its just how I had to live out here. I just move too much to settle somewhere. Well that back pack I was living in was stolen. So that made us have to stay in Rumbek another day so I could file a police report…lol! A police report out here …..yeah right what a joke!

Well any way the Lord had my back and I was blessed with what I got back, like the important stuff like pass port and travel permit, stuff like that, you know.

Yeah! I’m stupid and with Him I would be nothing, believe me I know!

So as we get ready to go the truck breaks down again. LoL! I just laugh. Cause it’s just funny how things happen.

As I stood beside the truck waiting for the mechanic under the truck, it began to rain and you know I just let it rain on me. Everyone ran to get out of the rain, but I just stood there. Water swallowed my broken sandals, and I looked down to the ground and just let the piss flow down. You just keep coming, I might not be fifth teen or ware a mask but I will drink your piss.

You know why cause I don’t deserve better, I am a slave to Christ. I brag in these small sufferings, I take them as honor to do for my master! So the more you do to me I just love cause it is for Him who died for me, He who I can never pay back. So with each little blow you give me is just a inch of nothing for what I try to do for my master! So I will drink that piss up!

My master gives me a white light of rope to crawl out of the pit and move on. I smile because my body just became stronger from the climb out of the pit. Lol! My master knows what he is doing!

I was cold and shook in the rain soaked from head to toe, and I could tell the team thought I was just crazy. I came out of my mind and the truck was fixed, and we got back on the road went back to Akot for cattle camp, to train and disciple them for Christ!

Praise You My God! It is an honor to suffer for you I am not worthy but you let me drink his piss for you Lord. Thank you, for I am but a dog who eats from your children's crumbs.

By Their own means!

The night of are arrival in cattle camp one of the leaders and some young aparaks (young men) sat with us and Abraham.


As Abraham translated…

I tell you what, in the dark night of Sudan I cannot remember what they where talking about or how I got to it, But I just remember I just started laying out the gospel to them, from creation to Christ. Then this young boy said “so how do we keep a relationship with God from down here?”

My heart jumped as I heard those words!

You know where I went! I went straight to Jesus!


Then boy kept asking great questions! “What about are sin’s and the bad things we do?” “What are some bad things God does not want us to do?” These questions where right on time! I was praising God so much!


Then another older man said “You see, these are the things we need to know so we can do right by God, but we have know one to teach us and train us, we want to learn these things.”

I said “this what we came to do!”

The he said “You can come and teach these things but if you just teach and leave, we will just forget your teachings. We need some one you can train within our cattle camp to teach us when you leave.”


Hot dang it, I just about dropped my mouth when he said this! I said that is exactly what we want too! It has to be the people of the land who do this, but we got nobody willing to do it!

As I had Abraham translate this…

So we talked more agreeing with each other that night and prayed God would reveal to us what to do to get the cattle camp some permanent training in His word.


The next day CAP Sudan training went great! We had a lot of young men sit down and listen. Then later that evening we had the four leaders of the cattle camp and some others sitting and talking with us.

So out of nowhere on of the leaders says bring us some history (story from God’s word). So we did. Then right after the story one of the leaders says “You see this is good, but we have no one to teach us these things of God’s word. You come here and you tell us these stories but we just forget them. “

Then he said this….

“You see the villages and cattle camp is very different. In the villages they have their people and their time on Sunday they can go to church. But here in cattle camp we don’t do those things. When Sunday comes we have no church like the villages, we need a church here like the villages so we can learn more about God’s word.”


MY God, my God…I just about fell on my knees right there to praise God.

Abraham just translated all this to my ears….

So we began to talk about them to chose a leader for the church so we can train them!

Justin, the team, and I began to talk about just staying at this one cattle camp to pour our heart and soul into training just this one. Because our original plan was to take CAP Sudan teachings to different cattle camps around the area. But we all agreed to just keep coming back to this cattle camp to train and disciple the men.


I was so pumped! These young cattle keepers actually wanted training, actually wanted a church in their cattle camp by their own means!

Praise you my Lord!

This crazy!

Please start praying NOW!



They Denied me.


Justin Macar, Justin Mayom, Daniel, Mapar Makala gar, and Zachariah Marial is my new team to come with me to bring the Gospel to the unreached of the Cattle Camps. God has placed it on my heart for maybe if possible that a church can be planted with in the cattle camp as they move in the bush! Beyond impossible but I want to see what God will do. If they call on God to be there who can deny them, their unreached people just like anyone else, the heart of the Dinka people, their pride and warriors. But before all that I was met with a broken truck to settle to my on doings, which I did not get fix by the arrival of the team. We where stranded in Rumbek for some days, but finally old buddy awoke and we were on the road to Akot to find a Cattle Camp.


Now normally I would have had the cattle camp picked out and set up for the team but I had no time at all coming from back to back to back teams so they got to see all my reckless ground work. I did not even have translators! I am Lc’s nightmare.

We get to Akot and first thing I want is what? Translators! Yes correct!

But I was stop by….ummm… well I will just let you hear some of this conversation.


1st day

Me: So Abraham did the team explain what we plan to do out here? (I explain this to him many times already)


Abraham: Ah…yes to go to cattle camp…




Me: ummm….yes! we want to go to cattle camp to do CAP Sudan teachings there and maybe…


Abraham : How long do you stay?


Me: Ummmm…five days at a time.


Abraham: How many translators do you need?


Me: two translators would be great.


Abraham: I think it will be too difficult to get translators.




Abraham: Ok I will be going now thanks you! (He gets up and leaves)

(End of convo.)


I did not let that stop me, Just another tool of the devil to get me down. I just kept faith and kept going! Not knowing if I was to have a translator or not I got my best friend Peter to go with us to find a cattle camp. It had to be one of the easiest cattle camps I ever found in the bush! (Can’t tell), is the name of the cattle camp. They welcomed us with such open arms that day, and with complete stupidity and faith I planned the day of our coming to stay with them. I told them we would come Friday and stay five days.


3rd day


( A rainy day in Sudan, I am call by them to talk about cattle camp. I walk over to the center where I see Shad rack, Isaac , and Abraham all sitting in chairs of a circle formation, can’t be good and it was not. I will give you just some bits and pieces of the convo.)


Abraham: I have other things to do here, I can’t be bothered with your work separate from the church! Next time you get another translator then us, we have work to do, You get another translator separate from us!


Me: Yeah Abraham I know you guys are busy but this is why you got the training of CAP Sudan, there is no other translator. I mean I’m not going to make you go I’m not no big person, but I need some one who wants to go, and I do need you guys.


Shad rack: My friend, I cannot do it on the weekend I have to build my fence.

(That is one piece of the convo, like that, here is another)


Me: Yeah but I just think that the cattle camp is so unreached cause know one wants to go out there and just maybe if we stay out there with them, God willing a Church may be planted with in the cattle camp! I mean that would be….


(Abraham, and Shad rack laugh.)

Shad rack: OOO! My friend!


Abraham: No there is no way that can happen.


Me: You don’t think a church can be planted in cattle camp?


Abraham: No!, There is no way it can happen. You call them for teaching and they will not come.


Shad rack: Impossible my friend, they are cattle keepers they wont take it serious.


(Abraham, Shad rack and Isaac all agree)




Me: …..well…ummm…..Ok.


(End of convo.)


Sucks right! I mean these guys are my heroes, I look up to them, I love them! And for them to come at me like that! The cattle camp is their people their land….Whatever I aint bout to let know one stop me from giving the gospel to some unreached people who want it! So I don’t give a cow’s flip tail if they want to go or not but somebody gone translate, and they can go their mad to I don’t care about that either! I just do the talking, you just translate and look salty! But God is going to show you and crack that hard heart and crumble that enormous pride too! See if I car if you like me you know I don’t! Tell me what God can do and can’t do!

Despite their unwillingness to go to cattle camp and their huge negativity of the thought of a church in cattle camp, Abraham agreed to go one week and Shad rack agreed to come the next week Monday through Friday. But it really was sad to see these strong men of God just to be used by Satan to hold me down not to go, and to forget about a church there. I was sad and angry that day and I really held back a lot of things my flesh wanted rip out! But it’s cool, I just kept quiet, humbled down and prayed.

They denied me.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Widow's Church

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Your Darkness overwhelms me Baby girl

Sometimes I am overwhelmed by her darkness. She lays on top of me and covers me with her dark filth until I am smothered by her darkness and I cannot see the light. Her herself is beautiful, eyes ach at her sight because of her lovely appearance, smooth black skin and a smile that pierces the heart and captures the eyes to want forever.

But her filth is too much! You are dark in filth, your filth covers my sight of light, and then I cannot see. I am stuck in your darkness so long to where my eyes adjust to the dark.

My dear women, you cut your self and kill your kids and paint their blood on your body, then you lay their blood in my hands!

I have seen your blood spilled out and your kid’s dead bodies. I have smelled their blood for far too long and I am sick to the smell. I grow sick and open to the enemies attack.

But we continue on in the name of Jesus Christ. He will wash your filth away! He will cleans your darkness in the light! I am His slave in His shackles bowing down to do as He please to use me to fight off your dark filth women! But to my weakness your darkness blinds me and the enemy attacks me from behind. 

The voices of the enemy creep up my back like a snake to a tree, sliding, and twisting up my spine to whisper into the back of my mine and ears.

I ask God to take the snake out of my spine but I realize I must be broken by God into pieces and rebuilt to resist this new kind of evil to my knowledge. I have never been attacked like this before, But God taught me how to resist and rely on Him.


So now even covered in your darkness sweetie, I turn to My Father and see His light, and only then I can see.


O how I lament for you Sudan. You open yourself to this filthiness woman. You lay down on your side and your left hand cuts the right side of your body and blood spills out! Then your right hand cuts only the right side of your body as well and even more blood spills out! You bath in your own blood. O dear God please help her O dear God Please.


Things our moving here in Akot, and God controls the pieces. There is an Idol temple in the back of Mayom village that Andrew and the others have been trying to talk to the family and have it burnt down. Please pray on that! Also there is a man chain to the tree there as well named Daniel.

Daniel is an educated man who can read Dinka, so Andrew gave him a Bible in Dinka. He said that he believes in Christ and that He died for his sins.

But we still don’t know how he got there chain to a tree. People say he is crazy and tries to kill people and burn down houses. But he was a leader in a church.


So Please Pray for Daniel and whatever is keeping him at that tree, sickness or evil spirit, That God release him from bondage and bless him in his beast way possible for Daniel.


Please Pray that God’s will be done in Akot and that we agree on it.

Please Pray that satin’s angels and his army our weaken and cast out from their strong hold on Akot, that they stay from us and God protects us from their doings of any kind! Pray these things in Jesus name…Thank you.




Are we doing something right?

Do you smile upon our work here? I ask.

Are we doing something right here? I ask God again.


Go go, go, go! Watch the stump, watch the pothole, go down to third now, watch the dip in the road, and try to stay in fourth around the corner, go man go! God You not bout to let this girl die on my watch! Go faster! Go Jermaine, Go Jermaine, I think to myself…I look back her eyes go to the back of her head and her breathing is short, as she coughs to get more air, she can’t hold her head up! Come on Jermaine kick dirt! Get her to hospital before she die….I say to myself!


We all set out to go to Ma wang Ajith. A land that has not got the gospel yet, a new land of new souls to win for Christ!

By all, I mean Andrew, Peter Gilliland, three girls from fusion, and our pastor Abraham. We where all excited to go and so happy to reach an untouched land.

But Peter in the morning told us that he feels we just should not go to Ma wang Ajith. He felt that it is just what the Spirit was telling him. We said Ok we will take it into consideration, as he said that I really just felt well yeah he is right, I started to lose the reason for going there. But we continued

We stop in Paloc because we have to go through there to get to Ma wang Ajith. We were praying for these three women as they were sick. Then one of the girls grab me and say Jermaine  Kaley got stung by a bee. I said “ Ok she O right?” well it turns out she is allergic! I say “well do she have a epee pen?” They say no. So I take a look at here and this girl is breathing in short breaths, and bobbin her head back and forth, talking about, “O I’m Ok guys lets go.” Naw homie this girl trippin! She does not look good at all and we are an hour away from the hospital! So I say lets go! We jump in the car and bounced!


Man as we go, this girl is coughing and passing in and out! I’m like naw God Lord I ask that she be healed right now and crush the devils angels of darkness that cause this!

Man I am flying in this bush like crazy! Flying around the curves, jumping on dips in the

 ground! I keep looking in review mirror to see how she doing. She connects eyes with me but only to pass in and out at that time. But I stay calm, cause I got Faith in my Father, my eyes became sharp, and I knew His angels guided me through the bush with God’s speed! But Kaley looks so bad as I look back, but I stayed calm, cause she was not about to go no where! It was real bad, she started throwing up! But my Lord flew the car, God had my foot sleeping on the gas, no brake pads, and no such thing is last!


God’s speed, we mad it in forty minutes to the hospital and the Dr. was right there to take her in. Man God is so good! They fixed her up and everything was cool. She was healthy and back to regular. Thank you Jesus!

Later that day Peter said that he feels this was a spiritual attack. I agree.

He said that we might need to take care of what is here in Akot first then going to other places. He also said I am glad that satin attack us like this because at least I know we are doing something right!


Please continue to pray for Paloc church.

Please pray for us as we discern God’s will for us here in Akot and hearing His Spirit.

Please pray for Kaley that she be healed and the enemy can’t harm her or touch her in the name of Jesus.

Thank you
