Monday, March 29, 2010

Thank you for your prayers for Paloc Church

I thank all the people who gave payers to our God for Paloc Church!
Just this Sunday I went to Paloc Church to see them and encourage them. I really did not expect them to be meeting. I thought I would have to find everybody all around town and gather them together to have church. Well the Lord slapped me in the face with a blessing!

As I drove up to the church there was so many people under the tree standing, singing, and giving praises to God! I was filled with such JOY! I Thank the Lord right then and there! I jumped out of the car and began to praise God with them! I was so Happy. I was really over Joyed! I hugged John Bangic, the leader of the church and we greeted with such love and joy for Christ! We had church and I read a letter to the church from the Oakland Baptist church from Mississippi. They loved the letter and thanked them so much. Thank you Danny, Billy, Jay, and Kenny for all the pictures! The people loved them so much!

After church we had some training with them and taught them more on God. I told John Bangic how proud I was of him and that he is doing such a great work for God!

Please pray that Paloc church will sustain themselves and learn from God's word on their own.
They continue to grow and physically and spiritually. 
That Andrew and I may be able to get out there and encourage them and help them to learn the word of God on their own.
Thank you my Lord and saviour for answering our prayers!
Thank you my churches and prayer warriors.
So amazed! 

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