Monday, August 9, 2010

We are like the Nineveh

I for got to share these testimonies.

When the Nehemiah was here in the cattle camp just before the camp moved to another site, something great happened in our teaching that God let us be apart of.

One day:

Justin first taught on the story of Jonah and here is where my testimony takes place. After he got done telling the story and explaining the message they said “ Yeah that story is a very good story. You see we cattle keepers are like the Nineveh. We are bad people too and you can ask even a Dinka man to come with you and they will refuse because they will say we are bad and no one wants to come teach us. But you all came today and stay here with us and we learn many things about God.”


Justin and I stood next to each other praising God! Then the rest of the team including Peter told the rest of their stories on forgiveness. Peter taught on the women caught in adultery. After all the lessons and stories were told the young men said “You see now that we have heard this, we now know God loves bad people like us. And now today have learn how to repent.”

Peter then explain more on this and talk with them more and more of God’s word.

But I myself was jumping for joy and giving God the praise for what just happen! They learned how to repent! God loves bad people! Man what a quote! I thought about it and God does love bad people! Praise God.


Please pray the cattle keepers and the Lords work He is doing out here! That they really take His word in and learn to love God and change their life and actions.

Pray for us as well that we are used by God and do nothing to keep us from that, we stay on the right track and make the right decisions.

Thank you, His slave.


Another Testimony:

Early in the morning there was no sun and very cloudy basically on the verge of rain. When it rains here there is no teaching or anything. All your plans are canceled if there is site of rain coming or rain has come. So that is what our morning for teaching looked like. But we all decided to keep going forward and see what God will do. So Justin, Peter, and I went around the cattle camp inviting all the people of cattle camp and the young men as well. Things look dim for our teaching and there was a lot of doubt but we kept going. We went to this large group of young guys sitting on their gor nhom (a mound of where the cattle keepers live, like their home). We ask them to come for teaching and they look up and it is obvious to see that rain is coming. They say “the rain is coming you know”. Then I say “yeah but if we just teach for maybe one hour before it comes, and if it starts to rain then we will stop”. They all stare at us like we are crazy for asking them and as if they are not going anywhere but staying by their dung fire. There is an awkward silence for a while and then suddenly one of them says “OK lets go.” I was like wow! OK lets go! Thank you God! Then they all got up and came to our tent and we started teaching right away. The rain clouds circled around us ready to pour out. I just kept praying O Lord just hold back this rain just until we get done teaching your Word. We had a large group of young men all around listening to the word of God. I was just on an high but I was still praying to God let us get this teaching done please. There was some drizzle but soon enough we finished all of our teachings we had that day as the clouds literally surrounded us and we taught under the one part of the sky that had no clouds. It was really kind of weird and in my mind I am quick to say it was divine.

I kid you not, that as soon as we stop teaching the rain did not come, we were able to go get water first driving on dry land through the bush instead of mud where we might have got stuck. And we did not have much water either and when it rains I don’t like to go get water but God worked it out! So as soon as we got back from getting water the skies poured!

Testimony! Thank you my God for taking care of us and letting us be apart of your great work!



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