Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Lord Prevails II

The next week we went to cattle camp another problem accrued! But I am not even going to get into that. So when we got there we set up and once again we had only two days. But it started raining and we could not do anything. So that day went away. Sunday came and we had a great church service! Justin spoke on Ezekiel and the vision of the dry bones. They really responded well. They said “we are like the dried bones, we have no one controlling us, but even the fish are better, the fish have water to control them but we are dry”. A lot of them that day said they want to follow Jesus and do right by God. That is great but I means nothing if they don’t do it! So I had Malual get with the main guy who always response to God’s word well, his name is Mapul. Mapul and Justin have a good relationship. I told them that Malual will start training to disciple anyone who wants it. I asked Mapul would he want to do that he said I am ready including another young man. I told them that “Yeah well the last people who came and said their ready to get training we don’t even see them!” I explain to them that the work of God is a sacrifice and there will always be something to stop them from coming. They agreed and said they would come.


Pray for these young men, Mapul and the others who want learn more of God’s word.

 Let all distractions be put down so they can come see us when we are there.

Pray that these are the right men God chose and they are not in this for selfish reasons.

Pray for me as I sit down with Peter Malual to form a type of training for them to learn more about God’s word so that Peter can begin his discipleship with them through Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.

Please pray for Peter Malual, as has just got a new job as a missionary to the cattle camps, at this time attending Bible school when he has never been in a school setting ever, and still taking care of his widowed mother and his crops.

God has really put a lot on him but just pray that he stay strong through all of this and allow God to continue to use him, providing him with wisdom to get through school and begin discipleships with in the cattle camps.

Thank you for your prayers!

His slave…


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