Friday, October 2, 2009

                                                 Please Pray for Mamma Rose


Please pray for Mamma Rose.

Mamma Rose is are tutor and teacher for Dinka language and culture. She is also a great friend and mother figure to all of us here in Sudan. For those that do not know Mamma Rose is paralyzed and cannot walk but despite her handicap she is still a strong woman in God with so much wisdom and faith. She does not let anything stop her from giving glory to God and help change her people.

Mamma Rose teaches the Diinka people good morals and how to get a better life. Every time I go to visit Mamma Rose I see her talking and advising young men and women to do better for them selves and get an education and they listen to her.

In a place where such darkness reigns to have one person trying to shine some light is such a vital thing. Mamma Rose has been spreading the word of God to her people for years. She has done so much.

I go to Mamma Rose for more knowledge about the Dinka culture and how to better show them the word of God.

Mamma Rose is such a strong lady who ask for nothing despite her condition. Mamma Rose has one daughter name Mary…In which she says Mary is God giving.


You see When Mamma Rose was pregnant with Mary she was in Akot and at that time a tribe called Nuer came and attack and killed everyone…even in the hospital.

Mamma Rose said she hid away and God saved her. After the attack in Akot she was found and was sent to another hospital to have Mary. How Mamma survived that Attack no one knows today except God and Mamma.

 Mamma Rose successfully raised Mary all by her self. She got her land and built a hut for herself with her money by making blankets and quilts. As Mamma raises Mary she also takes in abandon children and raise them as her Paul and Ann.

She takes care of these kids and fights for their right to go to school and get a good education. She is currently fighting to save Ann. Months ago Ann was taken from Mamma Rose after she raised Ann to a young girl. Ann’s family took her and sold her for five cows so she can be married for more cows in the future.

Mamma Rose was so hurt and upset with her people. She preaches everyday to her people to stop using their women as a product for cows. Mamma just wants Ann to get a good education and she has went to the commissioner to get help.

 Right now Mamma is in pain on and off daily. She has some type of growth or tumor on her backside. I asked Mamma Rose will the church help you get it looked at or surgery?

Mamma says: Mabor, The church has their poor and people that need them. I will not ask or beg them when the poor is need by the church so much more. If they decide in their heart to help then that is fine. But God will and always takes care of me. I will take no money to spread the word of God. My reward is with Him our Father. Just like this wheel chair I did not ask for this, the church just gave it to me from their heart. God will take care of me.

 Pleas pray for Mamma Rose and her pain. Pray that God will remove the cause of the pain and allow her to live safe and healthy to raise her children. Pray for her healing with faith in the name of Jesus Christ.

 Please pray for Mary, Paul and Ann. Pray for God to make a way for them to all get a good education. Pray for Ann to keep her safe where ever she is and that she is not miss treated and is allowed to come back to Mamma Rose and go to school.

Pray for Paul: He is one the brightest kids I have ever met! He is always ready to learn and read as much as he can. Pray that he stays in school and keeps the word of God in his heart. For him to stay focus to school as well. I think he has a heart for photography!

Mary as well that she is able to stay in school. That Mamma’s needs are met to give Mary a good healthy future.

 Thank you so much for these prayers: In God He will take care of us.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, she is definitely a strong woman. I will keep those prayers in heart and remember them daily. Continue to press in God will see you through.

    Love Ya Much
    Ms. Shirly
