Friday, September 17, 2010

Peter Malual


Peter Malual , my collaborator, my brother, my ally, my partner, and my best friend. I remember it like yesterday my first week in Southern Sudan I arrived in Akot on the compound. I was so green. A team from a America was building the center and Jamie introduced me to him and said “Jermaine does not have a Dinka name yet.” Malual said “OK”

 and looked at Jamie and then looked at me and said “OK your Dinka name will be Mabor.” I did not know then how much God would use him in my life here in Sudan. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to see Malual grow in God and to become a true teacher and missionary for Christ.


It was the best day and a joy of my life that out of all the students in the TRT class he was one of the two to first take the step to going out on their bikes to teach God’s Word to their own people, without our presence and vehicles. Then to travel with this man all through Akot and surrounding areas to gain disciples for Christ. We lived together, ate together, laughed together, and even fought through the 

dangers together.


Now this young man has stepped up to the plate to be the missionary to the cattle camp, a group of people that I label un-reached. He has accepted the mission when nobody would. I was recently prevented to go with him on any more missions to cattle camp despite my disagreement to leave him on his own he was left. I was in a time to disciple further in the missions in a cattle camp, not to say I knew more then him in cattle camp, but we found that he was lacking in some areas when it camp to doing the mission work and discipleship, as cattle camp can be intimidating. I wanted more time with him as my last work to God but it was cut short. I was proven to be wrong as to put boundaries on the Holy Spirit for he was proven faithful and the Lord guided him to a successful mission to the cattle camp!


Without out transportation but on a single bicycle with a tent, sleeping material, and a bag full of ground nuts. He went without complaint but eager to serve God in whatever he has to do.

 I told him this is the time you will see how much you really want to give your self to God and serve Him no matter what. To get the word to the cattle keeper at all cost. We agreed and the blessings arose.


He left on a Friday and came back Sunday after he had church there, as that was our original schedule in cattle camp. The report he gave was a true blessing from God!


Malual reported that he taught the word of God two times a day to different young men! This is a huge rejoice to us because there in cattle camp, it can be hard to get the young men to come and hear the word. But with someone of their land and local language they listen and want to hear! Malual said he would walk through the camp and a group of young men would say, “May you come and teach us?” Then Malual would begin! I asked him about discipleship as well and he quickly answered with excitement to tell us that a young man name Michael heard the word of God and the stories Malual told and Michael grab the picture book that Malual decided to use to help them understand better, and Michael began to tell the stories to the other cattle keepers! The Word of God! We have been going there for more than two months telling the word of God and trying to get them to understand, but no one would retell a story. But Malual”s first journey there alone, the Lord uses him to get several cattle keepers to know God’s word and retell the stories to keep them in their heart. Malual was very happy as we all are. Thank you my God I am overwhelmed to see you move.

Thank you my Father!

Please continue to pray for Peter Malual , that he continues to go out and reach the cattle keepers with the word of God with discipleship.

Also Mapol as well, he has been gone from the cattle camp each time we went, so pray that Mapol and Peters paths may meet and continue the discipleship to Christ.

To give him strength and to continue, as the journey there is very long for bicycle, and malual and the church’s eyes may be open to how they can support this ministry.

The Lord will continue to use him to reach the Cattle keepers .

To keep him safe from danger or sickness, as life in cattle camp can be hard.

Thank you for your prayers

Jermaine Mabor Majok