Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wake up….wake up…..

…..come on wake up! All man I don’t feel like going today. But it’s cool, this will help me in the future to communicate better and build relationship with the Dinka and talk and stuff all to give glory to God by trying to do whatever God got me out here for. To ummmm spread his word and reach the unreached. Yeah that’s it!


I got go pee. So I walk outside and to the chow and pee. Lol at night I just pee on the fence by the porch I would do it now but I heard the chow cost a lot of doe. Can’t let money go to waste.


Now go wash yo hands…4Sho! Put in yo contacts…cant let these peps see you in yo glasses is bad enough I don’t shave.

Jermaine, Kamow, or Mabor, Why don’t you shave? Cut your hair! Are you mony dit?

You will look better! They way you look is not good!

I don’t care deal with it homie.


Man I forgot time to take a shower o well! Don’t feel like it any way.

Brush yo teeth! O and listen to some music that well help you wake up and get you going! All yeah that’s nice! Lupe!


Ok morning pray time! Everybody look all tired! LOL even me.

OK welcome to Monday morning! Andres says.

Slight laughs from everybody.

So what do we pray for today? Andres says.

They shoot out prayers. Pow…pow..pow!

We pray…OK now you got to go.


Get on yo bike and ride to lango school. 4sho!

By have a good time at school! They say. 4sho!


I close my eyes as trucks speed pass by me and the red dirt race to my face as I ride through it.

I taste it. MMM…red dirt!

Mabor! The lady I know says. Yin apuol? I ask . Eee! Yin apuol? She ask. Eee!

Keep paddling, you go be late homie.


Mabor! The night guard says. Yin lo pen? He ask. Y’en lo thulic! I answer.

I continue.


Hey, there go that naked kid. Man I got get him some clothes I wonder what size is he O well he is getting to big to be walking around like that.

Alandu tiou?


Juman! My little dude friend yells my name. His name is John.

Hey! Yin apuol? I ask. Ee! He say. Then he says in dinka: I took my exam and was the fourth highest in the class and my brother Ben was second in the class! Might heart jumped with excitement. I said: All Y’en amit puou aret! I was so happy to hear that! Cause  some weeks ago he was asking me to pay for some schooling fees. I said cool lets do it! What about yo brother? Let them both have it. Man so when I heard this I was on cloud nine! I thank God that all day for that news! Then the John was like I give praise to God for that! ALL! Man Might heart was so sweet and smiling! Thanks God!

Ok go you going to be late y’en abi gau aret.


Mabor! The traffic guard says. Ee ka di? I ask. Acin karac. He answers. Yin lo thulic? He ask? Ee! Y’en lo thulic! I answer. Stop and shake his hand to show respect cause these dudes always stopping people in they car or on they bike trying to play crooked cop! Man they be feening to take somebody’s money. I aint given them the lint in my pocket! Once you start they will always pick on you to get money. But if you hold yo ground and stand up to these folks they back off.

But these two guards I been saying hi to and speak there language and it makes them laugh to here me talk it! Doing this help get pass them more then once.


The old man guard stop me and I threw some thoung mony jang at him and he laugh and told me to go. Then the other big tall guard at the same round a bout, had stop me in the truck on my way to school. And he saw who I was and told me to go! LOL

Yeah homie the mambo king!


Pass the air port which is Pan taiara or pan rian nhial.

Enter the bush…doge the big nasty pee and dodo infested puddles!

Try and hit these goats that be laying in the middle of the path….Bark at them and scary them. Lol!

Pass these kids. Kawaja, kawaja, kawaja! The kids yell this to me every single day!

I ignore them on bad days and give a wave on good days. Their calling me a white person, or rich person. Which I guess to them I am rich with my nice bike and book bag.


I see some dudes up the road. You know when you see rough dudes looking mean and you don’t know what they might do when you pass. Yeah that kind!

 They all stair at me. So I stair straight back at them. Sometimes I say Ca bak! They quickly lose that angry look they carry on their face when I speak and smile and say Ca bak back to me. Some bad days I look straight at them with that crazy look they give me or I do something crazy like twist my face up or start talking to myself or shake my head real hard! The dudes don’t know what to do! LOL it’s funny to me and cheers me up when I am mad.


I get mad a lot.

Ok don’t crash into this other person biking my way. 4sho!

Ee ka di Mama! I say to Mama rose. Acin karac Mabor! Mama rose answers.

Stop and see how she is doing.

OK apuol? I ask. Ee! Ok apuol Mabor! She answers.

Ci nin kadi? I ask. Amaath, amaath Mabor.

All ok so we still have to pray for Mama rose and her pain sickness.

Ok abi longo tene yin Mama. I say. Ee! Apath Mabor. She answers.

Y’en aci gau Mama. I say. Ok Mabor lor, lor. She said.


Ok finally I mad it! And I am on time haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! LOL! But most of the time I am late. Lol!

Sit next to the American catholic sister from Cincinnati, Ohio. Yeah that’s crazy right!

Me and her bond real well. I will miss her.

Lango, lango, lango, lango, Dinka, dinka, dinka, dinka! Bla, bla bla, bla, bla!

Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn, and remember, remember, remember, remember.

O I hear you getting better Jermaine!

O I hear you have gotten a little better then the others.

Yeah right what others? I still struggle everyday. But that is good! I have learned a lot in lango class and got better in Thoung mony jang! But I still have I a lot to learn as I go.

That’s mostly how my Mondays through Fridays went for last pass 3 months.

 Man my team is sooooooooo awesome! Jamie and Jenifer goes to Malow with Mama rose every Saturday. They tell Bibles stories and teach the word of God to the people with leprosy. Man That is a blessing to see God’s word going out to them. 




Porch talk:

 So how did it go today? I ask. It went real well! They where very responsive to the story and answered the questions we asked. Jamie says.

Man that’s cool! So what story did you tell today? I ask.


Jamie and Jenifer tell me the great things God is doing in Malow with the people of leprosy. Please pray for the people of leprosy in Malow….as they depend on God for their basic needs like food and day to day task. Please pray that they continue to receive God’s word in their hearts and use it.

Pleas pray for Jamie and Jenifer as they look for God’s guidance to what story to tell and what to teach. That God clearly shows them their path to giving God the glory with the people in Malow. That they are safe with each trip and angles surround the car with no damage or problems to make it back safe each time. Thank you!


Car talk:

Whitney and Laura have been doing a T4T (training 4 trainers) class and a literacy class in Cue cok.

They tell me things are going so well! But it is not all cup cakes and candy though.

It can get hard to teach these things and to have the ladies see the answers clearly!

In the car as I pick her up talk:

Jermaine: So how did it go today?

Whitney: Ummm the ladies are so lost.

Me ( jermaine) : What you mean?

Whitney: Just with the literacy stuff, some ladies only no one alphabet sound like o. she only says o. And a lot of them have a hard time writing letters. But it’s ok it will just take some time.

Me: what about the T4T?

Whitney: it went well but when I try and tell them that you have to tell others what you have learned here. I told them to think of the people you can tell now. But they said there are none. They say you try to tell some people but they don’t take it serious. So I told them well when we started this class it was fifty ladies here and know how many is it. Four. So it is 46 ladies out there that you can talk to. That don’t  take the Word serious. But you must tell them and keep trying. All we can do is spread the word.

Me: WOOOOOOOOOOW homie. That is something! Man! Nick nack Pady wack give a dog a bone!


Pleas pray for The ladies in the T4T and literacy classes at Cue Cok. Pray that their minds are open to the word and education that can help them in the future. That they trust in God to lead them and encourage them as they learn and try to preach and teach the word of God to their own people. Pray that they don’t lose heart.

Pray that Whitney and Laura stay encourage and don’t lose heart either. That God guides them as well to how to help teach these ladies better and in the best way they can understand. Thank you!


CAP talk:

Me: So How is it going?

Jenifer: It is OK just pray for me as I am trying to make this new curriculum for CAP (Christian Aids Program).

Me: 4sho! Now tell me this. What are you doing?

Jenifer: Well CAP goes to Cattle camps and schools to teach them about the prevention of Aids and tie that in to God’s word. So I have to rewrite this curriculum so it can be better understood to the Dinka and to relate to them better. So when another person comes to take over this job, all they have to do is follow the curriculum and it will be easier for them to get the job done. They can travel more and go all over Sudan with CAP and not just in Rumbek. So please pray for me on that.

Me: WOW Holy moly! You got a big job on you homie! Let me see if I can recruit  some prayers for you homie.


Hey you guys you think you can pray for CAP on this? Yeah!

Please Pray that God gives Jenifer and Whitney wisdom and clear discernment on how to make the curriculum best for the Dinka to understand. Pray that God shows them how to explain hell and germs to the Dinka. To explains these things to them are very hard to do and to get them to understand. Pleas pray!

Thank you!


Lunch Talk:

 Me: mmmmmmmmmmm! Dis goooooood! So how it going Yar?

Yar (AKA Jamie): It is going real well but we have a hard time keeping a crowd control with the kids. You see this is only for the girls but the guys be coming in and trying to sneak in the class room. And then other girls be lying about if we gave them a cloth or not. But they are receiving the messages well.

Akur (AKA Laura): Man sometimes I wanna get a stick and beat those kids!

Me: Yeah, yeah beat the kids! Beat them to the white meat! LOL! Yes!


You see Jamie and Laura has a cloth project for the girls. Which a ummmm lets see ummm…Ok they make cloths for girls menstruation so that they can stay in school and get their education. So this is really big and a wonderful thing Yar and Akur are doing. Aint no pads or nothing out here so. This is low budget and the girls can make it themselves. Plus they mix God’s word with it. So Pray for crowd control and the girls would listen to Yar and Akur. That they be honest and open to the Bible lessons the they give when teaching the girls about the cloths. That girls take advantage of this opportunity to stay in school and get God’s word.

Pray for Yar and Akur that they have patience for these Bad kids! God shows them any way better to tell His word to the girls. Thank you!


Also it’s these Dinka kids James and his crew. They are really on fire for God and they have been helping the girls with translation as they do their ministry. So it has been a real blessing to have them here. They learn a lot from Jamie and the others and it is a real blessing to see them on fire for God.

Please Pray for these young men as walk with God that they stay on track with Him and satin is block to touch them. Thank you!


So things are moving here with the power of God! 4Sho!


Well what about you? Me Ha….ummmm…

I…UMM…I tried to start this small Bible study with this group of boys.

I would play Dinka bible stories so they could listen and then I would tell a Bible story related to the Bible stories they heard.

Man the first Saturday went real well and it was a blessing to see God work.

I could only meet on Saturdays cause of lango school.

So the next Saturdays the numbers of dudes dropped but I saw God working each time I went there. But this last Saturday I found out that most of these boy had a Bible study already and already had a church home. So from the beginning I felt like I am just building on someone’s foundation. And that’s not cool. Cause then I am just there for self gratification and that’s the last thing I want to do. There is so many out here without any foundation at all. All glory to God.

So I may back off of them for a while….I dunno.


Pray for me that God leads me and shows me where and what ministry he wants me in. Pray that I clearly see how to give glory to God out her and be fruitful to His kingdom. Pray I don’t lose heart as I wait or try and fail with different things and ministries.  Pray I depend on God to care of everything. 4sho!


Jermaine, AkA Mabor, AkA Kamow, AkA The Canis lupis Wolf from….